In the village where there are no proper animals shelters,
volunteers with few equipments and lots of courage worked to
free animals stuck in the devastating flood.
ON MARCH 24,the government personnel receive the query about
the flood and the government officers rushed to rescue the locals
but it was that very night some local came to knew that some animals
were stuck on the top land of the village.
According to the local people the volunteers began their work early
in the morning next day and were able to rescue 20 animals in total.
Wednesday,April 25, 2018
ACS is a renowned charity show which is working for
animal welfare and have decided to built a 30 new
animal shelters as the devastating flood destroyed their
homes. 14 of them will be Dog shelters and remaning will be
shelters for cows and other domestic animals.ACS have planned to
complete their project with a short 20 days of time. ACS have
also contributed in other places by making shelters for animals
and by treating animals that have been suffered from various dieases
for free.
Thursday,April 26, 2018
As a charity organization we have been getting many queries
about how to make animal clean shelter clean you should
spray some anit bacterial lotion to make their home free from
bactria. Only cleaning the space will not do the job instead
you should clean your pets to make sure that you and your pets
are in healthy condition. Be sure to check our article
(How to take care of your pets)
for more info about this. If you have any query about
any topic you can contact us via our contact links below.